Sometime in 2005, I began consulting Holistic on building a personal investment portfolio. I started with small but regular monthly SIP plans. After more than 15 years of working with Holistic, I could meet some of my very major desired long-term financial goals in life.
I used to invest sporadically and without any clear strategy in several instruments such as company stocks and debentures through the secondary market, company fixed deposits, government schemes and private equity. It was only after I began consulting with Holistic that I began to strategize seriously around such sound concepts as (1) balancing short-term and long-term financial goals, (2) asset allocation between debt and equity instruments, (3) tax efficiency, (4) power of compounding, (5) comparative assessment of MF performance, (6) staying inflation hedge (7) exit, etc.
Probably, I would have continued to invest in a haphazard manner in various investment avenues on a “hit-and- miss” or “knee-jerk” basis rather based on a logical, planned and patient strategy that balances risk and benefit, greed and prudence and immediate gains and future value.
Personal service, counsel and interaction with a full-time financial advisor assigned to me and to my account was the best part of working with Holistic. Over a period of 13 years, it was possible to develop a close and personal relationship with the assigned advisor who became like a family guide/mentor for all investment decisions.
The “trust quotient” started growing and comfort levels with the advisor began strengthening as time passed. This led to better understanding of investment capacity, real expectations of returns and investment time-horizons.
Prompt response for inquiries, timely report-back, complete handholding for all paperwork, valuable feedback regarding taxation issues, house-calls and excellent troubleshooting assistance were the other aspects of the personalized service I greatly appreciated receiving from Holistic.
If you want to invest smartly, and wish to be affected by neither “irrational market
exuberance” nor anxiety, and if you want to build long-term net-worth with neither too much greed nor conservatism as motivation, you can trust Holistic to not only show you the way but also help you walk through it.Sudarshan M K Retired CFO
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