After the recent announcement by the venerable Reserve Bank of India, about the consecutive 14 quarters fall of our nation’s GDP to 4.4% from a whopping 8.9%, it is time to think how are we going to protect ourselves financially from this economic harsh winter? Most Indians have never faced a harsh winter all their […]
The Fall and Rise of the Indian Rupee
Unlike Humpty Dumpty, Rupee was not exactly sitting on a wall when it fell. However, the aftermath of the fall was somewhat similar in both cases as the ‘king’s men’ (the government) were at a loss as to how to put them back on track. Ultimately though, the Rupee has had better luck than that […]
What can bring Economic Bloom to India?
How bad is bad? Or for that matter how much sugar is there in sweetness, really? Perhaps we rarely stop to think. Bad or good are more or less absolute to us, and we often refrain from probing further into their causes. Personal health is one area however, which we do not leave to chance. […]
The Surprising Truth about CTC which Your Employer won’t Tell You
Listen to this article Campus placement is fashionable today. Students feel very proud and happy to share with others about their pay package. They think higher the pay package, higher will be their monthly salary. They just divide their package by 12 and calculate the monthly cash inflow and build their castle on it. These […]
How to Avoid TDS in Fixed Deposits?
Listen to this article If you are a Fixed Deposits, investor, you are not very happy when the tax is deducted at source by the bank from the interest paid to you. You must have thought in what way you can avoid or pay lower taxes in your FDs. Well, we may tell how you […]
How to savemore tax by Creating a HUF?
Once, our venerable Finance Minister, Mr. M Chidambaram, has said, “Left to God, even he will not like to pay Income Tax”. Though as a responsible citizen of our country, we should pay our income taxes on time and should not avoid paying it. However, if the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides legal opportunities to […]