Listen to this article Finances can be sometimes tough to take it all alone. Seeking financial advice from your planner can benefit you no matter you are young or old, single or married, have high or low income. A good financial advice can not only aid people with saving money, but also protecting their loved […]
STOP taking wrong financial & investment decisions; START taking the right financial & investment decisions
Listen to this article Why do we take wrong financial and investment decisions? Instead of following a proven practical process to take right financial and investment decisions, we just take decisions impulsively or as a reaction to the circumstance. “I invested in Highest NAV guaranteed ULIP ploicy, because I’ll not suffer if the market crashes.” […]
Why your personal finance is out of your control and how to bring it under your control
Why your personal finance is out of your control and how to bring it under your control? “I was a safe investor. So I invested everything in fixed deposits . My returns are not even beating inflation. So to beat inflation, I invested in stock market. But now the markets are crashing…” “I kept a […]
7 Harmful House-Hunting mistakes and how to avoid them
While buying a home, it is human to get emotional. Amidst all this pool of emotions flowing in, involving excitement and nervousness at the same time, it is common for you to fall prey to some commonly committed buyer mistakes. Purchasing a house is a very significant decision in one’s life, and tends to have […]
6 simple steps to get your Financial Plan and Financial life on Track
Financial planning is a process of understanding your income and expenditures, and planning accordingly for your future – both short term and long term life goals. Most often when you go shopping, you look at how much money you can spend and then accordingly prepare two lists. The first list includes stuff you NEED and […]
How to Redeem Mutual Fund Units in case of Unitholder’s Death?
Listen to this article What is the basic logic behind making investments? A majority of us do it, in order to ensure the financial well-being and security of our loved-ones. Investing with this thought in mind is a very noble one. However while investing, how many of us actually ensure that our loved ones are […]