Have you ever taken an investment decision and later regretted for taking such decisions? If you could answer the following 3 questions before taking any investment decision the chances of regret will come down and the chances of pride will go up. 1. Have you understood the risk involved in detail? : An important component […]
How much life insurance cover you need?
Listen to this article No one likes to talk about death. We must accept the fact that everyone born in this world must face the reality of death. Not only losing the loved ones, most of the times, families get into serious financial crisis. The health of the elderly parents, education of children, and life […]
Investment Discipline: One thing that changes Everything about your Investments
There are people who are disciplined and there are who are not. What is the difference between these two sets of people? The first set of people lead an orderly, healthy and peaceful life, prepared for the ups and downs, not upset with the lows, and make others feel comfortable in their company. The second […]
Do you fall prey for this Emotional Sales Pitch?
Listen to this article It has been a long tradition amongst us that you allow your heart to rule when you fall in love. You heart takes the decision there and not your mind. Similar thing should not happen when you take your investment and financial decisions. Most of the financial and investment products are […]
How to take Right Investment Decisions at the Right Time?
Whether you are buying an insurance policy or investing in mutual funds, do you take the right investment decisions at the right time. Whenever you feel low or the time is not in your favour, the first thing that gets affected by this feeling is your decision making process. Factors like wavering social or financial […]
An overview of taxation on India ESOPs for US based NRIs
Listen to this article Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) is a beneficial plan given to the employees of a company to buy the company shares at a pre-decided price and it forms part of taxable income. Most senior employees working with bluechip companies get ESOPs regularly and they have to pay tax on their ESOPs. […]